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  • Writer's pictureMrs. Smith

Everyone Can Be A Leader

Inspired by The Leader in Me by Stephen Covey we began the week talking about what it means to be a leader. We discussed how leadership is a daily choice and whether or not we're a leader is determined by our actions. It's one of my goals to help the Kindergarten kids unlock their leadership potential and start to understand the language of "The 7 Habits" and what they mean. They will continue learning about and implementing the 7 Habits as they progress in the Lower School.

Habit #1 Be Proactive

I want the children to understand that they are in charge of themselves and that they choose their actions and attitudes. During our brainstorming session we talked about what we have control over and what we do not. We cannot control other people, but we CAN control our mindset, work ethic and how we treat other people! As an extension to this conversation the children worked on their first journal entry. The journal prompt was: "Draw and label a picture of something you can choose to do." The kids worked so hard on this!

Leadership Roles

This week we also introduced our classroom Leadership Roles. These roles include: Sanitation Leader (making sure all trash is picked up), Recess Leader (in charge of recess equipment), Chair Leader (making sure all chairs are pushed in), etc. The kids love helping out and contributing to our classroom community!

Monster Money

The kids are working hard on earning Monster Money! In Kindergarten we use Monster Money as positive reinforcement. When the kids are witnessed making a good choice, being a leader, and going above and beyond, they are rewarded with Monster Money. Every Friday the kids get to go shopping at the Monster Store! The Monster Store has bins filled with different toys and each bin is priced differently. The kids can decide to buy something or save their money for the "big ticket" items. This program teaches the kids responsibility and simple math skills.

STEM Challenge:

Can you build a bridge using legos?

Math: 5-Groups

This week our math lessons focused on making numbers 6-10 with 5-groups. We also introduced the idea of math story problems about family experiences.


The kiddos continued to practice correct letter formation and letter sounds. We also introduced the structure of a sentence and had storytime with Baby Echo.

Free Choice:


This week in PE Coach Long introduced what it means to work as a team. During one activity the kids were put into pairs and were instructed to hold two noodles together, balance a cone on top, and then walk down the field, around a tree and back while balancing the cone on top of the noodles! This challenge required teamwork, patience, perseverance and determination! All teams worked so hard and completed the challenge! It was great to see the teams who finished quickly cheer on their classmates!

Art Class:

This week in art the kids explored oil pastels and watercolor paint. I see a lot of details and creativity! The kiddos also started learning about symmetry.


This week in French the kids played a number and colors game in French!

Creative Movement:


This week during library Ms. Hilda read a book and then talked with the kids about how to treat books. The kiddos also colored bookmarks!

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