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  • Writer's pictureMrs. Smith

Learn to Love to Learn

Each day I focus on making learning fun for the kids. I want each child to leave Kindergarten with confidence in themselves and to know that they are valued and important. I want them to develop the ability to explore new ideas and have a love for learning that expands beyond the classroom. With this in mind I treat each lesson as a chance to engage the children and promote excitement and passion into learning!

Let's take a look at the activities this week!

STEM Challenge

Last week the children were challenged to build a boat out of aluminum foil. The kids LOVED this challenge so I knew the students would enjoy a similar challenge. This week I challenged the kids to build a raft and then test its ability to float and hold a little bit of weight. It was exciting to see the children in action designing their rafts and problem solve as the rafts began to sink. There were lots of cheering and groaning as the rafts were tested! The materials used were straws, craft sticks and masking tape.


During Fundations this week we introduced the letters t, f, b, n, and m. The children participated in: Letter-Keyword-Sound, Sky Writing, and learned proper Letter Formation for each of those letters. The children practiced writing on their Writing Tablets and loved being Student Leaders taking turns writing on the Large Letter Formation Grid!

Math Expressions

This week we finished Unit 1 which focused on Understanding Numbers 1-10. Next week we will begin Unit 2 which focuses on 5-Groups in Numbers 6-10. We will spend a few weeks building their knowledge of numbers 1 through 10 to understand the numbers 6-10 as composed of a 5-group and some ones. We will explore number order, the +1 and -1 relationships, and partners for the numbers 1-10.



During stations the children rotate through different activities that promote math and literacy skills, fine motor development as well as creativity!

Creative Movement Class

Ms. Aimee plays so many fun movement games with the kids. Their favorites are Freeze Dance and the "statue" game!

Art Class

This week Mr. Matt's focus was on color mixing and the color wheel. Mr. Matt taught us about primary and secondary colors.


We have Library every Thursday. Please make sure to help your child remember to return their book so they can check out another one!


This week in PE the children participated in a Scavenger Hunt/Nature Walk. The kids also played various games on the Roycemore Field that included the class favorite Builders & Breakers. At the end of each class Coach Long asks thoughtful questions such as, "Why was this game important?" "What body parts did we use?" "What skills did we need to be successful in the game?"


This week in French the children participated in a color-by-number activity as well as various number games.

Picture Day

Curriculum Night

Thank you parents for joining me Thursday night for Curriculum Night! If you missed the presentation or would like to look at it again, here is the link to the slideshow:


-If you are signed up for the lunch program please sign up by Wednesday at noon.

-If you have not yet brought in a smock for Art Class please do so. An oversized t-shirt works great!

-We send water bottles home to be cleaned at the end of each week. Please remember to bring in a water bottle every Monday.

-Our afternoon snack is not provided by the school. If you would like your child to have a snack before the end of our school day, please make sure one is in your child's backpack.

-If your child wears shoes with shoelaces, but cannot yet tie their own shoes, please do not send your child to school with these types of shoes - shoes with velcro work best!

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