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  • Writer's pictureMrs. Smith

Socially Distanced Smiles

Sunny days and warm weather call for a quick photo without our masks on. We made sure to stay away from others as we posed for a quick pic!

STEM Challenge: Hexbug Maze

Have you ever heard of a Hexbug? Hexbugs are tiny micro robotic creatures that use the physics of vibration to propel forward and explore their environment. This week the kids were challenged to build a Hexbug maze with craft sticks. This challenge was fun and exciting!

Math: The Unknown Partner Game

The children are working hard on "breaking apart" numbers. For example, 6 equals 5 and 1, 4 and 2, and 3 and 3." We call two numbers that add up to a number the partners of the number. To strengthen the children's understanding of these concepts, we played "The Unknown Partner Game." To play the game the kids were in pairs and each group started with 5 objects. One of the kids in the group closed their eyes while the other child took a partner away. The child with the closed eyes then had to tell the missing amount. Every few minutes the kids received more objects to make the game harder.

Journals: What Do I See?

Sometimes it takes a simple prompt to see the many things we take for granted. The students were instructed to look all around and really see their surroundings. They were asked to pick something in the room and draw a picture of it. Then they were asked to write about it. What does it look like? What is it used for? Who uses it?

Guess & Groove: "Magic E" and "K or C"

This week the kids loved participating in an interactive movement game that reinforced spelling, applying our spelling rules, and handwriting.

Embellished Portraits


French: Counting to 10


Art: Louise Nevelson

This week we finished our Louise Nevelson-inspired art projects.


Mystery Reader

Our mystery readers this week were Griffin's grandparents! Thank you for reading to us!

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