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  • Writer's pictureMrs. Smith

Theme Week: Problem Solved!

Updated: Apr 9, 2021

This week students in Kindergarten through fourth-grade participated in Theme Week. They engaged in a variety of activities that helped to expand their concept of design thinking. They built, created, and invented with purpose and empathy.

To begin theme week the kids watched a video on design thinking. The video taught us about engineers and how they solve problems. We then talked about the design thinking process and dove into Step 1.

Step 1: Ask

As a class, we brainstormed problems that could be fixed by making something. At the end of our brainstorming session, each child chose a problem that was meaningful to them.

Step 2: Imagine

The children each brainstormed solutions for the problem they were going to fix. They came up with as many as they could and circled their best idea!

Step 3: Create

The children each drew a picture of what they were going to make. Then they created a list of materials they would need to build their invention.

After the children had their plan in place, it was time to build! The children each got a chance to go "shopping" at the "recycling center." This is where the excitement really picked up! It was fun watching the kids gather supplies and get to work!

The kids had a blast building their inventsions! Theme week sure was a success in the Kindergarten classroom! Click here to watch the 2021 Theme Week video!

What else happened this week?

Art: Think, Feel, Care

Mr. Matt encouraged the kids to consider the empathy piece of the design thinking process. He asked the class to think about who their designs were for and to consider how they might want to feel using their design.


The kids participated in bingo and were also introduced to the name of seasons through a sorting activity.


Our class loves PE! The games and activities this week included many of our favorites: Messy Backyard, Dodgeball Tag, and soccer!

Mystery Reader:

Our mystery reader this week was Leon's mom. Thank you for reading to us!


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