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  • Writer's pictureMrs. Smith

Welcome to K!

We had a wonderful first full week in Kindergarten! The kids worked hard learning new routines and procedures. The K kids participated in morning meeting, free choice, stations, snack, lunch, recess, PE, creative movement, French, art and library.

Let's take a closer look at the week:


During stations the kids get to experience various games and activities that focus on specific skills and learning opportunities. Stations this week included: dominos, water color painting, CVC word puzzles, geoboards, fizzy colors/science, playdough challenges, math games, and journals.


Texture Name Art:


Story-time with Ms. Hilda is always so much fun. Ms. Hilda read a few stories and taught the children fun songs. This week we enjoyed library class outside. Please help your child remember to return their library book every week so they can check out a new one.


This week in art the children decorated their drawing pad cover. They also experimented with collage using materials of various texture.


In French class, the children enjoyed songs and fun games with Madame.

Creative Movement:

During creative movement class the children played freeze dance and pretended to be different animals.


During PE Coach Long introduced fun games that included: Categories, Noodle Tag, Monster Island and various catching challenges.


New students:

On Tuesday we are welcoming two new students - Alexandra & Griffin! We are looking forward to getting to know you!

Next week we will continue to get acquainted with routines and procedures. Once we get more comfortable in the classroom we will take a deeper dive into thematic units and curriculum.


-If you are enrolled in the lunch program, please submit orders by Wednesday at noon for the following week. If you have any questions please send an email to:

-Library books are due every Thursday

-Thursday's are early release days, EC (Early Childhood) dismissal is at 1:55

-Water bottles were sent home on Friday. Please wash and return for next week

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