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  • Writer's pictureMrs. Smith

Welcome to Kindergarten!

We are off to a great start! The kindergarten kids had a wonderful first week! The kids worked hard learning new routines, procedures, and expectations. We are building our classroom community and getting to know one another. To get a better sense of your child's life at school, consider asking specific, but still open-ended questions. The below questions are great afterschool conversation starters and perfect for the ride home!

  • Tell me about the best part of your day.

  • What was the hardest thing you had to do today?

  • Did any of your classmates do anything funny?

  • Who did you play with today? What did you play?

  • Can you show me something you learned (or did) today?

This week the children got to meet all of their specials teachers!

PE: Coach Long & Coach B

How lucky are the kids to have two PE teachers? This week in PE the kids enjoyed scooter relay races, an obstacle course, a nature scavenger hunt, and various versions of tag!

Music: Ms. Redmann

This week the kindergarten kids got to explore various instrumentals and practiced playing to a steady beat.

Library: Ms. Hilda

Storytime with Ms. Hilda is always so much fun! Ms. Hilda read a few stories and at the end, the children got to check out a book. You are welcome to keep these books at home for a week. Please help your child remember to return their library book every Tuesday so they can check out a new one.

French: Madame

Madame makes learning a new language so much fun! In class this week the kids were engaged with puppets, songs, and movement activities.

Art: Ms. Lorenz

The kids loved exploring watercolor paints and mixing the primary colors!


This week we have been enjoying a lot of time at Alexander Park!


The kindergarten kids were introduced to our first math game! The game is called Fivezi. The most basic way to play is this: each player has 5 dice and you race to see who can roll and get all their dice on the same number first. The kids really enjoyed this game! It was really exciting to hear the kids shout "FIVEZI!" once all their dice were on the same number.

STEM Challenge: Design and build an aluminum foil boat that floats and holds mass.

In kindergarten, the kids participate in weekly STEM challenges. When students are engaged in activities that support STEM learning (activities that merge science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), young children are curious, focused, communicative, and active for over 45 minutes (or longer), and the children have a blast! And all the while, they are learning STEM concepts and applying math to solve problems. This week the children were challenged to create an aluminum foil boat that floats. The second part of the challenge - how many bear counters can it hold before it sinks?

More pictures from the week:

Next week we will continue to work on routines and procedures!


-If you are enrolled in the lunch program, (HandCut Foods) please submit orders by Wednesday at noon for the following week. Also, please make sure your default options are set. If you miss the deadline and the default options are not set, your child will not have a school lunch. If you have any questions please send an email to: Also, please talk with your child daily about which lunches they like and dislike. This will help you decide which lunches to order each week!

-Library books are due every Tuesday.

-Thursday is an early dismissal day. Pick up is at 2:00 unless your child goes to EDP.

-Water bottles are sent home every Friday. Please wash and return on Mondays.

-Friday is "pick up in the classroom" day. Please respect the 3:30-3:45 timeslot.

-Thursday, August 2nd is Curriculum Night. More information to come!

-Please check backpacks at the end of each day. If a dirty mask or clothing is sent home, please send an extra to keep your child's cubby fully stocked.

-Please thoroughly read through Darcy's newsletter. This is sent out every Sunday at 7:00 am. It may seem like there is a lot of repetitive information, but there is always new and important information in there as well.

-Please join our private Facebook Page (photos are posted daily):

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