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  • Writer's pictureMrs. Smith

This week we began Reader's Workshop! During Reader's Workshop, each session begins with a mini-lesson followed by independent work. As students work, the teachers confer with the students while delivering a mid-workshop teaching point. The workshop ends with a share.

Reader's Workshop: Read the World

This week the children learned that readers walk through the world in a special way - they don't just see things, they READ them! They read them by looking at things like signs, directions, books, and think, "I wonder what this says." They think about the words. During the mini-lesson, I showed the kiddos pictures that I took of signs around school. We tried our best to read the signs. If we weren't sure what they said, we looked at the pictures to figure out what the sign was telling us.

Reader's Workshop: Fiction vs. Nonfiction

This week during Reader's Workshop the children also learned that there are lots of different kinds of books. There are storybooks (fiction) and "learn about the world books" (nonfiction). During the mini-lesson, the children were taught how to read a nonfiction book. Then the child had the opportunity to pick out a nonfiction book and tried their best to look, think, read and learn!

Math: 5-Groups & Family Math Stories

This week during math we continued making 5-groups using numbers 6-10. We also practiced family math stories. We focused on adding and subtracting situations to create story problems. We acted out the problems showing the adding or subtracting with our fingers. For example, Tom sets the table. He puts down 3 plates and then 1 more. How many plates are on the table?


This week the kids learned the process of listening to a story and then retelling the story in their own words. Ask your kiddo if they can retell "Echo Finds Dinner."

STEM Challenge: Design a Paper Plate Marble Maze

The students were challenged to create a paper plate marble maze using a paper plate, construction paper, glue, tape, scissors, and pipe cleaners. The kids engineered all kinds of cool structures on their paper plates for their marble to go through as they tilted the plate in different directions using their hands!

Free Choice

This week the kids loved exploring the sand in their individual sensory bins! Sensory play has so many benefits. Sensory play encourages the development of motor skills, supports language development, and encourages 'scientific thinking' and problem-solving while they play, create, investigate, and explore!


During morning recess, the kids enjoy the tire swing and monkey bars. During afternoon recess, the kids get to play on the field where there is so much room to run!


This week the kids learned how to play "I Spy" in French using colors. They learned the phrase "est-ce" which means "is it." The kids each took turns being the leader and the kids made guesses using the phrase "est-ce."


During PE class this week the kids participated in many different games and activities. Early in the week the kids played "Poppin' Bubbles" and were challenged to pop 500 bubbles!! It was amazing how many bubbles the kiddos popped with their noodles. The kids reported that they popped 700, 1800, and even a trillion bubbles! WOW, they were good! The kids also went on a Nature Walk/Scavenger Hunt and were challenged along the way to hop across the "lava" and look for clovers and pebbles. At the end of class Coach Long surprised the kids with awesome key chains!


This week in art class Mr. Matt took us outside for a leaf hunt! Their mission was to collect as many different types of leaves as they could. The kids walked around Roycemore and Alexander Park hunting for the best leaves! The next day the kids painted the leaves and stamped them onto their paper. They used a variety of colors and saw many textures!


Roycemore Day is October 7th. To celebrate, we have spirit week. Go Griffins! It would be such fun if everyone in our class dressed up!

Monday - Pajama Day

Tuesday - Roycemore Day (wear blue and gold)

Wednesday - Sports Day

Thursday - Mismatch Day

Friday - Hat Day (....I changed this one!)

  • Writer's pictureMrs. Smith

Inspired by The Leader in Me by Stephen Covey we began the week talking about what it means to be a leader. We discussed how leadership is a daily choice and whether or not we're a leader is determined by our actions. It's one of my goals to help the Kindergarten kids unlock their leadership potential and start to understand the language of "The 7 Habits" and what they mean. They will continue learning about and implementing the 7 Habits as they progress in the Lower School.

Habit #1 Be Proactive

I want the children to understand that they are in charge of themselves and that they choose their actions and attitudes. During our brainstorming session we talked about what we have control over and what we do not. We cannot control other people, but we CAN control our mindset, work ethic and how we treat other people! As an extension to this conversation the children worked on their first journal entry. The journal prompt was: "Draw and label a picture of something you can choose to do." The kids worked so hard on this!

Leadership Roles

This week we also introduced our classroom Leadership Roles. These roles include: Sanitation Leader (making sure all trash is picked up), Recess Leader (in charge of recess equipment), Chair Leader (making sure all chairs are pushed in), etc. The kids love helping out and contributing to our classroom community!

Monster Money

The kids are working hard on earning Monster Money! In Kindergarten we use Monster Money as positive reinforcement. When the kids are witnessed making a good choice, being a leader, and going above and beyond, they are rewarded with Monster Money. Every Friday the kids get to go shopping at the Monster Store! The Monster Store has bins filled with different toys and each bin is priced differently. The kids can decide to buy something or save their money for the "big ticket" items. This program teaches the kids responsibility and simple math skills.

STEM Challenge:

Can you build a bridge using legos?

Math: 5-Groups

This week our math lessons focused on making numbers 6-10 with 5-groups. We also introduced the idea of math story problems about family experiences.


The kiddos continued to practice correct letter formation and letter sounds. We also introduced the structure of a sentence and had storytime with Baby Echo.

Free Choice:


This week in PE Coach Long introduced what it means to work as a team. During one activity the kids were put into pairs and were instructed to hold two noodles together, balance a cone on top, and then walk down the field, around a tree and back while balancing the cone on top of the noodles! This challenge required teamwork, patience, perseverance and determination! All teams worked so hard and completed the challenge! It was great to see the teams who finished quickly cheer on their classmates!

Art Class:

This week in art the kids explored oil pastels and watercolor paint. I see a lot of details and creativity! The kiddos also started learning about symmetry.


This week in French the kids played a number and colors game in French!

Creative Movement:


This week during library Ms. Hilda read a book and then talked with the kids about how to treat books. The kiddos also colored bookmarks!

  • Writer's pictureMrs. Smith

Each day I focus on making learning fun for the kids. I want each child to leave Kindergarten with confidence in themselves and to know that they are valued and important. I want them to develop the ability to explore new ideas and have a love for learning that expands beyond the classroom. With this in mind I treat each lesson as a chance to engage the children and promote excitement and passion into learning!

Let's take a look at the activities this week!

STEM Challenge

Last week the children were challenged to build a boat out of aluminum foil. The kids LOVED this challenge so I knew the students would enjoy a similar challenge. This week I challenged the kids to build a raft and then test its ability to float and hold a little bit of weight. It was exciting to see the children in action designing their rafts and problem solve as the rafts began to sink. There were lots of cheering and groaning as the rafts were tested! The materials used were straws, craft sticks and masking tape.


During Fundations this week we introduced the letters t, f, b, n, and m. The children participated in: Letter-Keyword-Sound, Sky Writing, and learned proper Letter Formation for each of those letters. The children practiced writing on their Writing Tablets and loved being Student Leaders taking turns writing on the Large Letter Formation Grid!

Math Expressions

This week we finished Unit 1 which focused on Understanding Numbers 1-10. Next week we will begin Unit 2 which focuses on 5-Groups in Numbers 6-10. We will spend a few weeks building their knowledge of numbers 1 through 10 to understand the numbers 6-10 as composed of a 5-group and some ones. We will explore number order, the +1 and -1 relationships, and partners for the numbers 1-10.



During stations the children rotate through different activities that promote math and literacy skills, fine motor development as well as creativity!

Creative Movement Class

Ms. Aimee plays so many fun movement games with the kids. Their favorites are Freeze Dance and the "statue" game!

Art Class

This week Mr. Matt's focus was on color mixing and the color wheel. Mr. Matt taught us about primary and secondary colors.


We have Library every Thursday. Please make sure to help your child remember to return their book so they can check out another one!


This week in PE the children participated in a Scavenger Hunt/Nature Walk. The kids also played various games on the Roycemore Field that included the class favorite Builders & Breakers. At the end of each class Coach Long asks thoughtful questions such as, "Why was this game important?" "What body parts did we use?" "What skills did we need to be successful in the game?"


This week in French the children participated in a color-by-number activity as well as various number games.

Picture Day

Curriculum Night

Thank you parents for joining me Thursday night for Curriculum Night! If you missed the presentation or would like to look at it again, here is the link to the slideshow:


-If you are signed up for the lunch program please sign up by Wednesday at noon.

-If you have not yet brought in a smock for Art Class please do so. An oversized t-shirt works great!

-We send water bottles home to be cleaned at the end of each week. Please remember to bring in a water bottle every Monday.

-Our afternoon snack is not provided by the school. If you would like your child to have a snack before the end of our school day, please make sure one is in your child's backpack.

-If your child wears shoes with shoelaces, but cannot yet tie their own shoes, please do not send your child to school with these types of shoes - shoes with velcro work best!

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